MEM Eagle Joklik Suspension Modification (JMEM)

With L-Glutamine without Calcium Chloride
Minimum Essential Medium Joklik’s Modification (JMEM) is an altered version of Minimum Essential Medium (MEM). MEM has been used for cultivation of a wide variety of normal and transformed cells grown in monolayers. it contains Earle’s Balanced Salts, which makes it suitable for use in atmospheres charged with CO2 gas. In JMEM formulation calcium chloride has been omitted to reduce cellular attachment. Therefore, JMEM is applied for suspension culture systems.

Origin :

Not Applicable

Quantity :

500 ml

Storage :

2 to 8°

Shelf Life :

12 months

HS Code :

3821 0000

Price :

On Request

Product Code :



Phenol Red
Sterile Filtered